Join Confidence Academy

Because It's Time to Show Up Unlike You Ever Have Before 

I may not know you but I know what you've been facing...and I also know you're sick and tired of the cycles AND YOU SECRETLY WANT OUT!

  • You get an amazing idea to create something, do something, change something and it's followed by second-guessing, tons of unnecessary research, and flat out doubt. In the end you kill the idea all together because the cycle simply wore you out. ​

  • You have this habit of comparing yourself to others in your family, in your circle or in your field.  The comparing leaves you feeling less-than amazing.  You've come to believe the stories you've told yourself about how you're not good enough so you've stopped trying.  The cycle wears you out. 


  • Have you received a gi-normous (that's a hybrid of gigantic and enormous) prophetic word only to respond in your mind and in your actions "You've gotta be kidding! That's WAY too big for me. I don't see HOW that can ever happen!"  God is trying to get you more to you but you're stuck in the cycle.


  • You'd probablyl feel a lot better about stepping out and doing new things if you just could get an "okay" from those around you.  Needing the green light of approval is pretty  important to you because you don't want to do the wrong thing, get it wrong or look crazy in the process.  The cycle of needing the opinion of others is wearing you out.  

Romaine, Pensylvannia




Help is finally HERE!

What if You Were Bursting

at the Seams with



What would your life look like right now?






"I received a full Confidence reset in Confidence Academy. The sessions and coaching calls with Tina helped me create a confidence building toolkit so that I won’t suffer from CDS (Confidence Deficiency Syndrome) ever again.  Seriously, my confidence was tied to what I did and now I have Confidence in who I am."

Shani, New York

Since joining Confidence Academy, I’ve learned to go back to that place where I lost my confidence as a wounded little girl and deal with those things that once held me captive.  I now look that little girl in the mirror and boldly tell her that she is enough, she has what it takes to get the job done, and she is ready NOW! 


I can honestly say this experience has been life-changing, and as a result my personal, professional, emotional, financial and all-around status has shifted exponentially.  I am committed to continuing this journey to confidently step into all that God has called me to be, do and fully execute in my life.

Shaun Venable

North Carolina


I needed to find my confidence and I did.  Before I stepped into the Daily Dose of Confidence room I knew I needed a radical change in my life but did not know how to do it and was too afraid to move.  Now, I have a great degree of clarity on the steps I need to take.  I have a name for my business.  I know who my audience is and the message that aligns with God's purpose for my life.  Wow, in only six weeks. I am grateful for Tina's obedience, dedication and commitment to building the lives of women like me from around the world and restoring our dignity and empowering us with the courage to go hard after our goals and dreams.  I encourage anyone sitting on the fence, Confidence Academy is what you need.  Do it for yourself, your purpose and the people whose lives you  were created to speak into.

Jayna Amadasun

Regina, Saskatchewan


One of many take aways ( including ouch moments) in the 1st Cohort of Confidence Academy is for me to figure out who I’m called to.  


I have a specific voice for a specific group of people. I am and I have what they’ve been looking for.

Jennifer Jones



This Could be Where

It All Changes for You!

I don't care what you're pursuing in life, a healthy level of confidence is absolutely necessary.

It's going to be tough to pursue your dreams, publish the book, start the business, market and sell your products or even show up in your romantic relationships whole without a good dose of confidence. No matter where I'm speaking or who I am teaching, I always begin with making sure their confidence isn't shattered into a million pieces because brokenness can show up in every area of life.  


Confidence Academy is my foundational program and is recommended to everyone who coaches with me.  It's the baseline for healthy relationships, successful businesses and a productive life.  If you're in need of any or all of those, secure your seat inside the Academy now.  You'll be very glad you did.


​Here is a quick breakdown of Confidence Academy:

  • It's fitting that the Academy starts with identity. Our first module focuses on your true identity because it's the nucleus of all that we produce in life. This deep dive is a real eye-opener!

Meet Tina Moore,

Your Confidence Coach

I entered Tina's Mentorship Program to learn the how of business, but I learned so much about me and how that impacts my businesses.  Through that process, all my pieces came together... I did not have to choose who would show up today, and I no longer had to separate my business and ministry.  This confidence and clarity allowed me to partner with God and to become secure in my assignment.  


Coach Tina was anointed and appointed for this season of my life and I am so grateful for her yes.

Cassandra Williams, Victory Coach for Wives

Coach Tina was an answered prayer.  She was the push I needed to help unlock the greatness on the inside of me.  I was quiet, reserved, muted.  I didn't have the confidence I needed to truly launch.  She took me in as I was and I allowed God to work in me through her.  The anointing of confidence that she walks in spilled over into her mentees.  My time with her forever changed my life.  I have confidence and I no longer back down from who I am because of other people.  I have learned to walk in my truth, my confidence, and SLAY in my own lane.  I wouldn't recommend any other Confidence in the world! 

Anita McDaniel, The Unmute Coach